Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Interesting title for the recipe -- it's almost an existential question. And if I was to dip a piece of melba toast in it, would that be a spread . . . or a dip? I guess the knife makes the difference.

This was relatively easy to make, though it required a trip to the store to stock up on herb and spices that I hope I am able to use. I also don't remember the last time I personally used the blender.

As soon as I got to the "taste" part I felt immediately emotional, like Proust tasting his madeleine cookies. I think it was either to do with the memory of my mom or a feeling that it was nice to have worked a little to make some real food. It was probably both, or, as my friend suggested I was having an allergic reaction.

This did make me realize that since I believe I have a tree nut allergy, which has possibly progressed to include peanuts and sunflower seeds, that I am going to need to be careful with a vegetarian cookbook until I go to see an allergist.

The taste was great -- like very fresh veggie cream cheese, though I may not have refrigerated it long enough. I didn't make the "Grandma's Onion and Poppy Seed Soda Crackers" yet, instead using Carr's Poppy and Sesame crackers and carrots. And check out this presentation!

The results: 4 out of 5. Really good, delicious. A little bit of an onion sting perhaps. But I could eat a ton of it

Kids rating: they liked it with the carrots and were good sports. Not enough to consume mass quantities but they had some. My daughter preferred it with the carrots. And to be honest they may have only tentatively dipped. My son is good with the food analysis, having one proclaimed that "ketchup is the whipped cream of the meat world." For this he said that the dip was "like beef stew without the beef." Make of that what you will.

Wife rating: pending

Do I remember this from childhood? I must've eaten it. I wonder now how many times my mom had made something special from scratch and I just assumed it was something store bought. And my emotional reaction may have been a deep sense memory reignited.

1 comment:

Stymied by Samosas

So the next recipe stumped me and effectively made me abandon this project for awhile. It's SAMOSAS, which I love, but I was having a ps...