Monday, March 12, 2018


Do you usually call them chick peas or garbanzo beans? To be fair, garbanzo is more fun to say, and reminds of the mysterious substance in Twin Peaks, Garmonbozia. Sadly there's no recipe for Garmonbozia in the cookbook.

This was a pleasant salad-y recipe, I just pretty much made it, stuck it in the fridge and ate most of it for dinner. I knew my kids wouldn't try it, and when I asked my daughter to at least smell it, she recoiled as if the odor overpowered her.

An early impetus for this blog was my daughter reporting that when taking a "table manners" class with her girl scout troop that in response to the teacher saying "Always show appreciation for the food that you are given," she replied, "What if your dad just gives you popcorn chicken all the time." To my shame though, it was true. Once I found something that the kids even remotely liked with the barest of nutrition in it, I'd make it regularly.

But this was yummy, an a simple marinade that would work for whatever vegetables you wanted. I do remember there always being a cylindrical container of vinegar and oil with bits floating in it in the fridge when I was a kid, maybe it was this marinade.

The results: 4 out of 5. Very simple. Tasty but maybe the mushrooms were supposed to be sliced thinner?

Kids rating: Not going near it. I did let my daughter apply the garnish, and so they both had some fun with the parsley. But let's face it. Parsley is fun.

Wife rating: pending. She's not a big fan of mushrooms though.

Do I remember this from childhood? Well I already mentioned the marinade, but I don't remember eating this dish. We had a lot of dinner parties so this may have been one item at the table that I didn't eat. But I should've.

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